How to do facial at home?? What are the steps??
How to do facial at home?? What are the steps??
Facials is one of the most popular spa treatments. The good news is that you can do a facial at home with very few ingredients and in just about 30 minutes.You can use basic ingredients found around the house to make your own simple, hydrating masks. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, mud or clay-based masks are great for balancing out your skin. Dry skin will benefit from hydrating masks made from glycerin, honey and oils. Ginseng or green tea masks are great for soothing sensitive skin.
How to do facial at home?? What are the steps??
here are the steps to follow for a home facials :
-A warmed mixture of 1 to 2 tablespoons whole milk and several drops of olive oil is great for dry skin.
-For oily & other skin type use cold milk for cleansing using cotton or clean cloth.
-Then wash face by face wash.
Dead cells, which clog pores and flake, can make skin look dull and patchy.
Facials is one of the most popular spa treatments. The good news is that you can do a facial at home with very few ingredients and in just about 30 minutes.You can use basic ingredients found around the house to make your own simple, hydrating masks. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, mud or clay-based masks are great for balancing out your skin. Dry skin will benefit from hydrating masks made from glycerin, honey and oils. Ginseng or green tea masks are great for soothing sensitive skin.
How to do facial at home?? What are the steps??
here are the steps to follow for a home facials :
-For oily & other skin type use cold milk for cleansing using cotton or clean cloth.
-Then wash face by face wash.
Cleanse your face by a cleanser.Take some cleanser on your palm.Massage well on face in a circular motion.Now wash face by face wash & pat dry.
Dead cells, which clog pores and flake, can make skin look dull and patchy.
-Mix 1/2 cup lemon juice,mix 2 table spoon sugar,some drops of olive oil.
-Now exfoliate softly,not in a harsh motion avoiding the eyes & mouth .
Steaming, which helps open pores, primes the skin for deep cleaning. Apply a light layer of almond (বাদাম তেল) or sesame oil ( তিলের তেল ) to the face (this acts as a buffer, protecting your skin from the heat), then bend over the steaming pot, wrap a clean towel over your head to catch the steam. Stay there five minutes, then pat dry.
4.Removing Blackheads:
-By the blackhead remover pull the black heads, they will easily come off.
-It might hurt if you do not steam face & go for blackhead removing.So steam up face before this.
4.Removing Blackheads:
Take a Blackhead remover tool like this
-Wash it with hot water, spray some antiseptic.
-Because of steaming the pores of face open.-By the blackhead remover pull the black heads, they will easily come off.
-It might hurt if you do not steam face & go for blackhead removing.So steam up face before this.
It may sound unnecessary,but toning helps to remove cleanser residue and refreshes the skin. It also creates a base coat for your moisturizer, which is easier to work.
-For a homemade toner,you can mix cucumber juice with rose water & apply it on your face by cotton.
Masks serve multiple purposes in a facial: deep-clean, stimulate circulation, remove dead skin and hydrate. Oily skin responds to an application of a paste made of Fuller’s Earth and mineral water. Avoid the eye area while applying and let the mask set until nearly dry. Then rinse thoroughly with water.Don't use warm water ,warm water will wash away the benefits of the mask.
To soothe the skin in the last phase of the facial, a moisturizer should be massaged into the skin. Put a generous amount on your hands and work them together to warm up the cream. Concentrate on areas where muscles are overworked: cheeks, mouth, forehead and around the eyes. Once the lotion is completely absorbed and it becomes more difficult for the fingertips to slip across the skin, blot off any excess with a tissue, and you’re done.
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